Education Annual Report 2023-24

Education is an enabler of social change. Our notion of good education involves the child’s holistic development in multiple dimensions, including cognitive, social, emotional, physical and ethical abilities. Toward this larger goal, we build the capacities of institutions and stakeholders in the school education system to bring about desired reforms.

Our work in School Education continues to be the cornerstone of our CSR initiatives with close to ~160 partners across 25 states and UTs in the country. These partners work on close to 10 thematic areas. These include ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education), FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy), arts education, library education, and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning).

This wide network of educational organizations has been working in the areas of curricula, textbooks, teacher capacity, and school leadership, among others. Since inception, we have supported 200 plus+ organizations through more than 250+ educational projects and initiatives.

This annual report provides an overview of our work in school education. It also summarizes our interventions over the year 2023-24. It shares a few stories that highlight some of the critical work that our partners are doing as well.

Read it to find out more.