Read here! Samuhik Pahal: December 2024 Capacity building for and
by civil society organizations
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Turning pages Read here A teen's journey from reading struggles to commanding the language Partner stories Read here cyan disc Disaster Response Building community resilience after natural disasters. Know more cyan disc In the past three years, Wipro Cares volunteers have planted 6,500 mangroves to protect Sundarbans Employee volunteering stories Read here

Wipro Foundation

Building a more humane, inclusive, equitable,
and sustainable society.

Wipro Foundation represents the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of Wipro Limited. Going back over two decades, we focus on social initiatives in Education, Health, Ecology, and Disaster Response.

Our Initiatives

Enabling systemic education reforms and improving access to education for underserved children.

Supporting the delivery of quality primary healthcare services at Wipro proximate locations.

Engaging with communities on issues of ecological sustainability and urban ecology.

Facilitating long-term rehabilitation for communities affected by natural disasters.

I Am

Our Network

Wipro’s engagement with social and ecological issues goes back a long time. The central tenets of our approach have been the emphasis on strong, meaningful work on systemic social issues.

Over the years, we have collaborated with more than 400 partners. At present, we are working with 170+ partners with an established track record in Education, Ecology, Health, and Disaster Response.

Explore our partner network map in India, UK, and the US.