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Bookworm started in September 2005 out of Panaji, Goa with the thought of creating a rich accessible collection of childrens’ books. Bookworm runs a comprehensive lending library for children of all ages and abilities in Taleigao, with dedicated spaces for creative activities and reading. Throughout the year, the library runs a program of workshops for both children and parents. The library’s goal is to provide a rich reading resource for children of all ages and an opportunity for all of our young people to learn to be creative through verbal storytelling and art.
Its Library in Schools program (LiS) exposes the art of reading to first to eighth graders through interactive sessions. The Mobile Outreach Program (MOP) takes reading, storytelling and other literacy related activities into community areas. MOP caters to children who are mostly first- generation learners hailing from families who have limited economic resources. Developing resources to aid learning is another key area for Bookworm. This is a dynamic process in response to the needs that arise from the continued interaction with children, their parents, educators and their aspirations.