
Partner From
- On Going

About the organization 


Vision: Education access for all, leading to the holistic development of Communities, 

Mission: By 2025, enable access to education to 2000 children for literacy and numeracy and get 50 percent enrolled in schools and collectivize women education groups, 

Strategy:  Undertaking library development in schools; Conducting workshops and training for teachers in a way that will serve to capacitate school staff to improve foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN); Working to cultivate local youth role models. 

Location of work

The organization works in Bahadarabad block, Haridwar, Uttarakhand. 


Project updates

The NEP of 2020 places renewed focus on the role of libraries in schools. The impact of libraries as spaces for learning and growing for children is significant. It is also important to highlight the role of Whole School Transformation. 

Our work is connected to systemic educational issues like overcoming challenges to quality education in remote areas. Through or interventions in the library and foundational literacy and numeracy, we have been able to improve the learning capacities of children. 

As part of our approach, we have initiated library development in schools. We have also undertaken high-intensity demonstrations of running libraries in school. We have engaged school leadership and teachers as part of the program. 


Plan of action

In the coming time we intend to undertake:

  • Library workshops in the form of teacher training
  • Build systemic change model solutions at the elementary education level.
  • Build partnerships for solutions with both government and non-government agencies. 
  • Institutionalize library development, 
  • Promulgate training as a practice.
  • Undertake collective development.
  • Block/District library development program 
  • Youth development 
  • Increase the team size. 

We will also be looking to enhance our understanding of mathematics pedagogies, language learning tools and techniques, and the use of arts and craft as part of the learning process.